Monday, April 30, 2012

First Cold Snap of the Year

We have both of our heat pumps on tonight as well as our electric blankets. Although it is not extremely cold (8 degrees) it feels  a lot colder becuse of the great run of weather we have been having. We have placed an electric Korean floor blanket as an electric blanket for Josie's bed and it seems to be working really well. Luckily Mari's sister left it behind when she went back after her visit a few years ago. We have prepared for winter by buying a few metres of wood as our main buring material and a few loads of pine for fire starters. I am not really planning on using these until June?? if I can help it but knowing the fickle nature of the weather this far down the island we could be forced to use it at any time. I walked down to school today in a heavy jacket and woolen hat. The wlak didn't warm me up enough to take off either of them. This doesn't bode well for the coming week.

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