Thursday, September 7, 2017

Church colours

Every day I walk past this sad old relic of a church and it is from this that I'll take my proposed colour scheme. Not quite the same style but passingly similar.


  1. Which church is that? It doesn't look that old to me, but then again, I don't know its history. Was it refurbished at some point? The tower reminds me a bit of the old cathedral in Fribourg, Switzerland, where I used to live.

  2. No idea. We have buckets of old churches moulding away in the city. This one is still functional but most lie empty or have been converted to other uses. Religion is pretty much on its way out here. It is really only kept alive with dairy workers from the Philippines and Muslim refugees in their 100s.

  3. Enn Zed goes the way of Western Europe.
